Friday, October 16, 2009

The Crew is Getting Bigger!

Fearless Leader here for a special news update from Blogville: You heard right, the Crew is getting bigger....and much better.

As you know we are registered to practice in 14 (soon to be 16) states, mostly in the West and South. We work in all of them from time to time but with limited resources and travel budgets it is hard to be in a single market consistently. So what's a firm to do?

Best of the West album coverImage via Wikipedia

Well, seems a whole lotta folks in this profession have some time on their hands right now, some pretty talented ones, too. So, we have rounded 'em up and put 'em to good use.......Sorry, I'm getting a little bit of a twang to my writing ever since I added that picture (that is not us by the way).

Actually, we did a very in depth search for just the right people and have added them from afar via a very forward thinking arrangement. So with our new collaborations there are now crew members in Denver, Los Angeles, San Diego, Las Vegas, Houston, Dallas and New Orleans.

This is a very exciting adventure. With over one thousand people responding to our calling, we found a dozen really great people to associate with. Over the next weeks and months you will see how this gives us the ability to service our clients in a much richer and relevant manner in the aftermath. I can't wait to share.

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