Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Remodeling-The Way to Go in This Economy

As we sloooooowwwly start to come out of the Great Recession I think everyone is going to be just a wee bit cautious about jumping headlong in to things. Being prudent only makes sense. And with so many buildings left vacant it will be a while before full out construction of new buildings happens. Remodeling and fixing up what you have will be the status quo for a while.

Enter Curtis Architecture and the Curtis Crew. We have been remodeling and renovating from the start so this part comes easy for us. Many architectural firms that used to get big work are now searching for tidbits like this. And sometimes they just don't do it well. They try to run it the only way they know, like a big job; nice and tidy and official.........and expensive!

The Crew can get in there and get our hands dirty like no other. What's are secret? Well, I'll tell you outright what it is and no big firm is gonna copy this one, because they are scared to.

Big sissies!

What we do special is this: We, as architects, design our own mechanical, electrical and plumbing work.

"Oh!" you gasp, "can they do that?"

The answer, of course is yes. In every state we work in it is legal. But almost every architectural firm in the US refuses to do this. Because they don't know how, don't want to take the time to learn and are afraid of the insurance implications..........because they don't know how and don't want to take the time to learn.

I, Fearless Leader, learned to do all of that as a way to keep more of my fees during the early lean years. I then taught the entire Crew. So, with one meeting and one Crew member we can look at your space with a very different eye to remodeling and save you tons of cash at the same time.

Are you in the mood for a remodel? Call me direct: Dustin Curtis, on my cell phone: 602-620-4088 and let's have a little conversation.

Oh, did I tell you we're easy to reach?

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